an original Larrabee handcrafted scent

Yule 'Nog


an original Larrabee handcrafted scent

Yule 'Nog

Yule 'Nog is a spiced vanilla eggnog scent as unique as rh holiday drink

Scent Notes: eggnog, vanilla, cinnamon, and nutmeg

The Story of Yule 'Nog

an original Larrabee handcrafted scent

It comes just once a year. And its unmistakable aroma stirs up holiday nostalgia... even for folks who don't drink the stuff. I'm talking about eggnog, of course. The 'nog has always been on hand for the holidays in my family because my dad's a big fan. Nowadays I enjoy adding it to my cold brew coffee or bourbon. It compliments my two favorite adult beverages rather nicely. I crafted the Yule 'Nog candle to smell like my favorite spiced eggnog , highlighting 3 key ingredients - vanilla, nutmeg and cinnamon. It captures the essence of the classic holiday beverage in a blended scent that can appeal to all. So light up a Yule ' Nog candle & enjoy!

Yule 'Nog

an original Larrabee handcrafted scent

Yule 'Nog

Yule 'Nog is a spiced vanilla eggnog scent as unique as rh holiday drink

Scent Notes: eggnog, vanilla, cinnamon, and nutmeg

Every scent has a story at Larrabee

Story of Yule 'Nog

It comes just once a year. And its unmistakable aroma stirs up holiday nostalgia... even for folks who don't drink the stuff. I'm talking about eggnog, of course. The 'nog has always been on hand for the holidays in my family because my dad's a big fan. Nowadays I enjoy adding it to my cold brew coffee or bourbon. It compliments my two favorite adult beverages rather nicely. I crafted the Yule 'Nog candle to smell like my favorite spiced eggnog , highlighting 3 key ingredients - vanilla, nutmeg and cinnamon. It captures the essence of the classic holiday beverage in a blended scent that can appeal to all. So light up a Yule ' Nog candle & enjoy!

Your Candlemaker