an original Larrabee handcrafted scent
Midnight Mass

an original Larrabee handcrafted scent
Midnight Mass
Midnight Mass features frankincense, myrrh, smoky wood. It’s a divine blend of smoke and incense that will appeal to any denomination
Scent Notes: frankincense, myrrh, smoke, wood, and incense

an original Larrabee handcrafted scent
I remember one Christmas my parents took us to Midnight Mass as kids. Born a night owl, I was excited for the late night adventure. Everything was a little different at midnight mass from the dimmed lights in the church to the quieter mood. And at one point, the priest started swinging this metal thing with smoke pouring out if it. And then seconds later, a unique, earthy smell filled the air. This ritual used frankincense and myrrh – each derived from the sap of a different tree. Various cultures used them for thousands of years, as both fragrance and medicine. I wanted to create my own candle version of the church incense that highlights the distinct and interesting fragrances of frankincense, myrrh & smoky wood.

an original Larrabee handcrafted scent
Midnight Mass
Midnight Mass features frankincense, myrrh, smoky wood. It’s a divine blend of smoke and incense that will appeal to any denomination
Scent Notes: frankincense, myrrh, smoke, wood, and incense
Every scent has a story at Larrabee
Story of Midnight Mass
I remember one Christmas my parents took us to Midnight Mass as kids. Born a night owl, I was excited for the late night adventure. Everything was a little different at midnight mass from the dimmed lights in the church to the quieter mood. And at one point, the priest started swinging this metal thing with smoke pouring out if it. And then seconds later, a unique, earthy smell filled the air. This ritual used frankincense and myrrh – each derived from the sap of a different tree. Various cultures used them for thousands of years, as both fragrance and medicine. I wanted to create my own candle version of the church incense that highlights the distinct and interesting fragrances of frankincense, myrrh & smoky wood.
Your Candlemaker